
July 9, 3pm

The Mill Exhibition Space, 154 Angas St, Kaurna Yarta

Cost: $15 (+ booking fee)

The Mill invites you to the Make|Shift Forum where you can hear from the artists about their practice and process. The forum will feature a panel of exhibiting artists and will be chaired by Artistic and Curatorial Facilitator Margie Medlin and The Mill’s CEO/Artistic Director Katrina Lazaroff (live captioned and live streamed).

Make|Shift is an immersive and experimental exhibition of projection art as part of Illuminate Adelaide. The exhibition features digital image and projection based work by six South Australian multidisciplinary artists; James Alberts, Ray Harris, Sarah Neville, Liam Somerville, Inneke Taal and Tanya Voges, with Margie Medlin as Artistic & Curatorial Facilitator supported by artistic mentorship from illuminart’s Cindi Drennan and Tim Gruchy.




Evocation at Liverpool Gallery